Steel Valley Classic Bodybuilding
Sat, Aug 03
|Warren G. Harding High School
NGA's 13th Annual Steel Valley Classic : Bodybuilding, Figure, Bikini, Physique, Classic Physique, and (New) Transformation. Open to Pro's, Novice, Amature, First Timers, Open, Masters, Grand Masters. You can participate as a contestant or spectator/fan. Come and experience the ENERGY!

Time & Location
Aug 03, 2019, 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Warren G. Harding High School, 860 Elm Rd NE, Warren, OH 44483, USA
About the event
2019 NGA 13th Annual NGA Pro/Amateur
Steel Valley Classic
Pro Men’s Bodybuilding, Pro Women’s Figure,
Open, Masters, & Novice:
Bodybuilding, Bikini, Figure, Physique, Classic Physique and
(New) Transformation
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Pro & Amateur: Men’s Bodybuilding, Men & Women’s Physique,
August 3, 2019 Women’s Figure, Women’s Bikini, Men’s Classic Physique
Eligibility: Open to all natural athletes who hold a current NGA card. You may obtain membership on contest day-Amateur: $75. All classes are required to take a 7-year drug free polygraph ($40). Overall winners in pro-card eligible divisions will be urine tested.
Location: Warren Harding High School 860 Elm Rd. NE, Warren OH
Time: Mandatory Registration 8:30AM the day of Contest. Optional Registration Friday August 2, 4:30PM-8:00PM at Hampton Inn and Suites 5581 Youngstown –Warren Rd.
Mandatory Competitor Meeting: 11:00AM Saturday August 3, 2019
Prejudging: 12:00 noon… Until finals and finish: Prejudging, break, T-walks & routines, awards. After Party
Music: Contestants must bring a CD PRESET to a maximum of 60 seconds. All music starts off stage
Awards: 1st-5th in each division, weight class, & overall
Fees: Amateur Division: $75.00, Pro Division: $125.00 … (late Fee $25)
(Entry fee includes Crossover Fee: $40.00
Free Contest T-Shirt) Polygraph Testing Fee: $40.00 Payable ONLY to Cash or M.O. to polygraph on date of testing.
Testing Times: Friday August 2, 2019 4:30PM-8:00PM @ Hampton Inn & Suites 5581 Youngstown –Warren Rd. Warren OH, or 8:30AM -10:30 Saturday August 3, 2019 @ Warren Harding High School
Entry Deadline: Friday July 26, 2019-POSTMARKED. All late entries will be subject to a $25 LATE FEE.
Bodybuilding Amateur Divisions, Physique, or Classic Physique weight classes (Check Box)
• Lightweight- Under and Over 143 14lbs. up to 156 1/4lbs
• Middleweight- Over 156 1/4lbs. up to 172 1/4lbs.
• Light Heavyweight- Over 172 1/4lbs. up to 189 1/4lbs.
• Heavyweight- Over 189 1/4lbs.
• Novice Figure, Short /Tall □ Men’s Novice Bodybuilding □ Pro Men’s Bodybuilding
• Open Figure, Short / Tall □ Men’s Masters Bodybuilding □ Pro Figure
• Masters Figure □ Men’s Novice Physique
• Novice, Bikini Short/Tall □ Men’s Open Physique Lt-Mid-Hvy __ Transformation
• Open Bikini, Short/ Tall □ Men’s Master’s Physique ( new division: total weight loss,
• Masters Bikini □ Novice Classic Physique weight gain, hardships, or obstacles)
□ Women’s Physique Open □ Men’s Open Classic Physique
□ Men’s Bodybuilding _ Masters Classic Physique
*Masters must send a copy of his/her driver’s license as proof of age. Masters for women begins at age 35 and men 40.
Novice … 1. Has not placed in top 3 in an open weight in any organization.
2. Has not placed 1st in a novice contest in any organization.
3. Effective 1/1/14: Novice competitors are PERMITTED to crossover to the open division.
T-Shirt Size □ SM □ MD □ LG □ XL □ 2XL
(Pick 1)
Please Print
Make all checks and money orders payable to Mi Gym Fitness
Waiver: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I hereby intend to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executions, and administrations, and waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Roy Thomas of Mi Gym Fitness Center, any and all sponsors, agents, representatives and assigns for any and all injuries and/or losses suffered by me as a result of my participation and/or attendance at the 2019 NGA 13th Annual Pro/Am Steel Valley Classic, August 3, 2019.
Send Application & Check or Money Order to: Roy Thomas 144 E. Park Ave. Columbiana, OH 44408
For Contest Information: Call Roy Thomas (330) 518-4139 or email roythomas1129@sbcglobal.net
2019 NGA 13th Annual NGA Pro/Amateur
Steel Valley Classic
Pro Men’s Bodybuilding, Pro Women’s Figure,
Open, Masters, & Novice:
Bodybuilding, Bikini, Figure, Physique, Classic Physique and
(New) Transformation
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Eligible: Open to all natural athletes who hold a current NGA card (Amateur $75.00, Pro card membership $125. Competitors are subject to urinalysis and/or polygraph test.
Place: Contest will be held at: Warren G. Harding High School
860 Elm Rd. NE, Warren OH 44446
Entry Fee: Amateur Division $75.00 – Pro Division $125.00 Payable to Roy Thomas
Deadline: Fees must be paid (postmarked) by July 26, 2019. Late Fee is additional $25.00.
Time: Competitor check-in Friday August 2, from 4:30PM-8:00PM at
Hampton Inn & Suites 5581 Youngstown –Warren Rd. Warren OH,
Additional/Mandatory check-in Saturday August 3, 8:30-10:30am at Warren g. Harding High School.
Mandatory Competitors Meeting Saturday August 3, 11:00AM
Pre-Judging: 12:00 Noon straight through till finals’. This is LIVE JUDGING
Pro Divisions: Prize money for each Class …1st Place $500, 2nd $300, 3rd $200. If there are 10 or less contestants in a pro class Prize money will be adjusted according to NGA GUIDELINES $$$ will be paid after drug tests are passed. $$$ representation will be presented the night of the show. Pros must verify pro status (NLT, July 6, 2018) prior to contest
Host Hotel: Hampton Inn and Suites, 5581 Youngstown –Warren Rd. Warren OH, (330) 652-1277
Queen Room $108.00 + Tax $$
Tanning: No Dream Tan, 4-D Tanning (Awesome Spray Tanners)
Music: Email to: MP3 or CD Preset to maximum of 60 seconds. (No Profanity or Derogatory remarks in regard to music selection or the Competitor will be disqualified). NOTE ALL music will start off stage.
Spectator Admission: $35 tickets, children under 12 yrs. $10, $45 Trainer Pass (must have for back stage)
Info & Question: txt Roy (330) 518-4139 or email roythomas1129@sbcglobal.net
entry and detailed info also at migymfc.com or nationalgym.com (see amature schedule August 3 Steel Valley.)